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The beginning The universe: shell and kernel The first light Creation of man - The martyrdom of Isaiah (Jewish pseudepigrapha) - The fourth book of Maccabees: concerning the sovereignty of reason (Jewish pseudepigrapha).

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The world beyond The world of darkness Cosmology The creation of man The head is one world - Kabbalah. The conflict of light and darkness - The second treatise of the great Seth (Gnostic) - Creation of the world and the alien man (Mandaean Gnosticism). The revelations of Adam's origin as told to his son Seth - The gospel of Philip (Gnostic) - The paraphrase of Shem (Gnostic). The creation of the world and the Demiurge Ialdabaoth The raising of Adam from mud by Eve (Zoë-Life) The rape of Eve by the prime ruler (God) and by His angels - The hypostasis of the Archons (Gnostic) - The apocalypse of Adam (Gnostic). Of Sophia, mother of the monstrous creator Ialdabaoth, Yahweh The birth of Adam and Eve - On the origin of the world (Gnostic). Primal man Adam, child of demons, and his salvation Concerning his impure doctrine (from Theodore bar Konai) Manichaean myth (from the Speech on Gehmurd and Murdiyanag) - The secret book of John (Gnostic). The creation of the world - Manichaean creation myths (Gnostic) (Manichaeism and other Gnostic sects). The creation of the world Adam, Eve, and Paradise - Haggadah (Jewish legend from Midrash, pseudepigrapha, and early Kabbalah). The creation of the world - The book of jubilees (Jewish pseudepigrapha). The book of the secrets of Enoch (2 Enoch) (Jewish pseudepigrapha). Jewish pseudepigrapha - Christian apocrypha - Gnostic scriptures - Kabbalah - Dead Sea scrolls Includes bibliographical references (pages 737-742)

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A collection of ancient, esteric texts from Judeo-Christian traditions, excluded from the official canon of the Old and New TestamentsĪ collection of ancient, esoteric texts from Judeo-Christian traditions, excluded from the official canon of the Old and New Testaments

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